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Getting started

Carve UI provides a set of accessible, headless component primitives that integrate seamlessly with Alpine.js. With Carve UI, you can add flexible components to your project while maintaining full control over styling and functionality. This guide will help you set up Carve UI in your project.


First, you’ll need to install carve-ui. This automatically adds alpinejs and the needed alpine plugins if needed, because they are listed as peerDependencies.

Terminal window
npm install carve-ui

Setting Up Alpine with Carve UI

Once your packages are installed, configure Alpine.js and Carve UI in your main JavaScript file. Import Alpine and the necessary Carve UI functions, then register your components.

import Alpine from 'alpinejs'
import { register, registerAll } from 'carve-ui'
window.Alpine = Alpine

Carve UI registers the needed plugins for you. If you want to only include some components you can register them like this.

register(Alpine, ['accordion', 'accordionItem'])